Simba is the first serially produced multi-purpose electric stationary winch unit to see the market. This powerful still slim construction can easily reach towing speed beyond 70 km/h and line tension of 2000N from back of your car trunk. With this enormous amount of output power, towing of tandem paragliders and hang gliders and even swifts cannot even challenge the oversized design of this small beast!
Simba winch is not a cheap solution for a thermal chaser pilot´s personal usage. It is a robust solution developed for day-after-day usage in a paragliding club, school or for a commercial tandem operator with huge, hazardless and maintenance-free usage in mind. The price may not be close to a non-professional inadequate home-built solution of your own. But a maintenance-free system which is ready to tow your students, members and commercial tandems up safely and efficiently throughout a long operation life, may give you much more value for the money and peace of mind in the long run.